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Lies and Deceit: Episode 6 Recap

Still from Lies and Deceit episode 6 to illustrate recap

Lies and Deceit, also known as Mentiras, is a thriller series that tells the story of a literature teacher, Laura Munar (Ángela Cremonte) who reported a rape incident after a date with Xavier Vera (Javier Rey).

 In the end of Episode 5, Laura couldn’t bring herself to shoot Xavier and ended up in a struggle with him. Detective Daniela came just in time before anything could happen and Xavier, once again, was let off.

Lies and Deceit: Episode 6 Recap

Xavier is seeing someone new

Some time has passed since the end of the last episode. Daniela’s belly was visibly showing and Laura attended Fran’s gig at a bar. When she was chatting with Fran, Laura noticed Xavier walked in with another lady. Xavier led the woman away when he saw Laura. Concerned that the lady will end up being Xavier’s next victim, Laura tracked down the lady named Julia and warned her about Xavier, including Elena’s rape. Julia did not react but Laura gave Julia her number in case of anything. 

Still from Lies and Deceit episode 6 to illustrate recap
Xavier called Laura from outside her house. Photo: Netflix

The next night, Xavier contacted Laura while standing outside her house. He warned her not to harass Julia and again reiterated that he did not know how both he and Laura ended up this way. When Laura asked for an explanation, Xavier told her that he only remember sweet moments of the night they were together. He described in detail her bed, her pillows and her bedside table. It then dawned on Laura that Xavier probably kept photos or videos from that night to remember all the level of details. She tried to inform Daniela, but Daniela told Laura to keep safe and stay away from Xavier instead.

Daniela has a plan

Now that her wife, Olivia has returned, Detective Daniela Bauzá was struggling with physical touch from Olivia. She eventually told Olivia the truth and received support from her wife. All this while, she has planted Julia, who was actually a police officer named Inspector Muñoz, in a mission to catch Xavier.

On the night of the important operation, Julia went to Xavier’s house for dinner, bringing wine. When she returned from the restroom, Xavier started questioning her day at work, where she supposedly translate some cryptocurrency material for an inventor. When Julia told him the inventor did not make it from San Francisco, Xavier revealed that he knew she was lying because he talked to that said inventor who was in his hospital that morning. He was making an effort to understand Julia’s work and wanted to impress her. After Julia revealed that she was in an authorized police investigation, Xavier asked her to leave.

Still from Lies and Deceit episode 6 to illustrate recap
Daniela's wife, Olivia showing support. Photo: Netflix

Laura takes matters into her own hands

Certain her theory on Xavier having videos is right, Laura enlisted Cata and Iván’s help to help steal Xavier’s phone when he was conducting a surgery and duplicate the phone. When Cata tried to apologize again, Laura said she missed her but still doesn’t know how to act around her.

When Laura was going through Xavier’s message, she found conversations between Xavier and Mia, Xavier’s mother’s caretaker. In the messages were Xavier’s mother’s house address. She pretended to send a message from Xavier’s phone asking Mia to let Laura in to the house to look for hospital documents. When Laura arrived, Mia led her to Xavier’s shed where he kept most of his things. Laura then lured Mia away by asking for coffee while she ransacked the whole shed for evidence. 

Still from Lies and Deceit episode 6 to illustrate recap
Not knowing Laura's identity, Mia brought Laura to Xavier's shed. Photo: Netflix

Mia then called Xavier when she noticed Laura looking all over for the so-called “hospital documents”. Xavier asked Mia to stop Laura while he head over. However, Laura found the camera and memory cards and managed to run away with the evidence. Mia found another memory card on the floor of the shed and kept it. Laura then brought the memory cards to the police and now with sufficient evidence, issued an arrest warrant for Xavier.

The end

Xavier went missing after Laura obtained the evidence. Police opened a manhunt for Xavier Vera, who was a perpetrator in 17 rape cases. His family, son, lawyer and colleagues watched the news as the police continues to look for him. One morning, a jogger found Xavier’s dead body by the beach. Daniela and Silva with a few police officers went to the beach to retrieve his body while Laura started going on dates again.

Read more recaps and summary on Lies and Deceit/ Mentiras

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